Sunday, January 29, 2012

There's actually humor in feeling sick!

I've been up since 4 am feeling like doodie. Yes, DOODIE! :-)  Many of you are probably wondering how I could find anything funny in that, but since the old Andy has reappeared, I find humor in almost every struggle.
I've been struggling with my diet. And by diet, I'm referring to what I eat to keep my stomach calm. I really have to watch what I eat, or I'll produce gas that could destroy a small country! I take a probiotic pill that eases my stomach. I call it my miracle fart pill. By that I mean it's a miracle I don't kill anyone with the gas! :-P  The pill neutralizes the gas smell and makes my life so much easier. I no longer fear social situations anymore, and I'm able to,occasionally let one slip and not have to look behind me and count bodies on the ground!;-)
Needless to say life has gotten a lil bit easier. Bless you Phillips probiotic, and I salute you for giving my life back to me, and thank you for allowing me to "crop dust" without casualties..:-)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

First Edition Funnies

My other blog has been a place for me to post about how my life has changed, and how I've grown. It also consisted of how I grew up and how it made me the man  I am today.
This blog is about humor. I have no other objective but to vent with some humor and put a smile on  your face as well as my own.
This is the first edition. I've been thinking about what to write, and politics seems to be on my mind. Watching what's been going on here at home with the Kathy Stein vs David Williams fight, or watching Newt and Mitt fight it out in the bitch sessions, er I mean debates, has got me scratching my empty skull wondering about our elected leadership.
First state senator Williams is pissed. He didn't get to be the governor. Stein has been nipping at him like a chihuahua, and Williams struck back, legislating her out of her district. His temper tantrum has cost Stein her seat, and her rants and picking at Williams over the years have finally come back to bite her in the ass. They both are grandiose, have their blind supporters, and have people so far up their derriers they will never need another colonoscopy! These people, professional butt kissers, can't figure out how to make a way for themselves and latch on to some politician who will blow smoke and command loyalty to them. These poor unfortunate folk are incapable of independent thought and objectivity. They become blinded and short sided, looking to these political phonies for their daily marching orders and talking points. The blind leading the blind.
Newt and Mitt are two very identical entities and they're spending millions to expose their differences. To this student of politics, the two of them are trying to outReagan each other. They've reduced themselves to two children sitting in class launching spitballs at each other. These two are battling to see who may be the leader of the free world. Scary..
Enough ramblings about politics.. Stay tuned to this channel for more of my useless Starbucks ramblings.. ;-)